While no one wants a diagnosis of periodontal disease, it is fairly common among adults in the United States. On average, four in 10 adults struggle with some form of periodontal disease, some of whom might need extensive treatment to restore their oral health.
Thanks to major developments in the treatment of gum disease, it's now easier (and far less painful) than ever to restore your gum health. LANAP gum surgery is one such treatment that dental professionals recommend and rely on to rectify diseased gum tissue.
But what exactly does
LANAP surgery involve and what can you expect post-treatment? This blog outlines everything you ought to know.
Also known as laser-assisted new attachment procedure, this is a cutting edge treatment for those with mild to advanced periodontal disease. In short, LANAP uses a specific type of laser therapy to treat the effects of periodontitis.
Thanks to highly specialized laser physics, LANAP surgery uses a specific laser wavelength to target diseased gum tissue, while leaving healthy gum tissue unaffected. The laser penetrates to a depth of approximately 4mm into the gum, killing off bacteria as it does so.
Once the bacteria is removed, the laser wavelength and your body's natural hemoglobin interact to form blood clots, allowing your gum tissue to regenerate.
The key difference between traditional gum surgery and LANAP treatment is that the latter is far less invasive. There is no need for physical cutting or stitching of the gums, as in traditional gum surgery.
This also makes for a longer healing and recovery period as well as more painful post-operative care. The use of laser therapy encourages natural gum regeneration as well as a faster healing/recovery period.
If you're wondering whether you're a good candidate for LANAP surgery, here's what to know:
If you have extreme/severe damage to your gums (beyond 6mm deep), you might need a more extensive form of surgical grafting.
This is something your dentist will advise on.
In terms of results, you can expect LANAP surgery to dramatically improve your oral health over the coming weeks, post-treatment.
This treatment will reduce bleeding and swelling of the gums and reduce tooth sensitivity. It also improves the depth of gum pockets, which helps to reduces instances of recurring gum infection.
Long-term, LANAP can also improve your chewing ability, improve your experience of eating and drinking in general, eliminate bad breath, and tooth sensitivity. All in all, this makes for simpler home care and less dentist visits.
Naturally, your gums will feel sensitive post-surgery, you might feel some discomfort a few hours later for which you can take regular, over-the-counter painkillers. But this sensation shouldn't last much longer than 24 hours.
Your dentist will prescribe an antibiotic and an anti-microbial mouth rinse. Carefully follow their instructions on taking both of these in order to avoid infection.
In terms of bleeding, you can expect little to none - it is quite rare to bleed after a LANAP treatment. However, if you are on blood thinner medication, this can happen. You can expect your gum tissue to change in color slightly - this is all normal.
Don't forget to keep up a good water intake for the first week post-treatment. This helps to flush out toxins from the body and promote healing.
Dental surgery aftercare is paramount to your end results. The success of your LANAP treatment hinges on how well you prioritize your oral health after surgery. Here are a few LANAP recovery tips to keep top of mind:
Remember that it's 100 percent normal to experience a slight amount of tenderness, soreness, and tooth sensitivity for up to 48 hours post-surgery. It's also normal to see a thin red or white clot around your teeth in the gum line.
Make sure to contact your dentist immediately if you experience severe pain, prolonged periods of pain, excessive bleeding, or an elevated temperature.
When it comes down to it, only your dentist can decide whether you are a good candidate for LANAP gum surgery. That's why it's so important to schedule your consultation sooner, rather than later to prevent periodontal disease from becoming worse.
At Smile Savers Dentistry, Dr. Patel and her team offer years of unrivaled experience and expertise when it comes to LANAP gum surgery. If you're looking for the ultimate solution to your oral health, get in touch with us today.
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